Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm seeing colors...

I know I have mentioned many of our sponsors of the Gazette Healthy Challenge, but today's sponsor made me see colors - when my eyes were closed.

Salon Red in the Kentlands, one of our sponsors, scheduled my massage today at 2pm. My masseuse's name was Matt and he was wonderful! I had not really experienced a massage before (beside's my husband's which is awesome), but Matt really took all of my stress and pain away.

The room upstairs in Salan Red was a nice lavender color and the blankets were cozy. I had to get rid of my apprehension and allow myself to relax. He started with my shoulders and then moved to my hands, arms, feet, legs, back and neck. It was an hour long and honestly, the time flew by. Matt spent like 5 minutes of each hand, and while my eyes were closed, I saw colors. I cannot believe how just massaging my hands could put me in a state of pure bliss.

Matt asked me if I had any particular areas that needed special attention. I mentioned that my shoulders and upper back was sore form all of the upper body work we had been doing and that my legs were tight. Well, I am as loose as a goose right now.

If you are need of a massage then please, I am telling you, head over to Salon Red. Matt will take you places. And you won't regret it.

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